Last week I shared an app that recommends content improvements based on the Google Quality Rater Guidelines.

I had several people reach out to me and suggest I look at SEO legend Matt Diggity’s recent video where he showcased his EEAT giga prompt for ChatGPT.

His prompt involves comparing your page to top-ranking competitors and getting recommendations only based on specific areas where you’ve been outperformed by competitors.


It’s a damn good prompt. So I turned it into an app.

👉 Try the Matt Diggity’s EEAT Comparison App 👈


This app does the same thing as Matt’s prompt. It scans the Google Quality Rater’s Guidelines. Then it scrapes your page and 3 competitors. Then provides recommendations on how to outperform them for your target keyword.


It recommends specific improvements strictly from an Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness perspective (EEAT).

Thanks to Matt for making this awesome prompt!



How Matt’s EEAT comparison app works

This app is built on Moonlit. A brand new no-code AI tool-building platform.

It’s perfect for the complex prompt sequences digital marketers need.

Matt Diggity Giga EET Prompt App Output

First, it uses text input fields for the keywords and URLs to scrape.


Then it uses a retrieve knowledge function to access a stored database of knowledge, where I keep a copy of the quality rater guidelines PDF.

Content Improver App Schematic


Finally, it uses open AI to assess the pages with the exact prompts from Matt Diggity’s video.

Matt Diggity's exact words in GPT app


My thoughts on the EEAT recommendations

  1. The output is great. It’s specific and achieves almost the same output as Matt’s ChatGPT process.
  2. This is a chonky app. It will take a few minutes to run and will use about 24 credits.
  3. If you’re trying Moonlit for the first time you may have to create a free trial account to test it at scale.

Note: I’m still improving this app and this is a brand-new software platform. Expect an error here and there.

Your feedback is appreciated.


This app/prompt does something humans can easily miss

Very few websites go the extra mile to showcase credibility.

  • Taking the time to cross-analyze multiple pages and Google quality guidelines takes hours.
  • AI can do it in a minute. While it might not provide the same level of depth that a human could, it’s quick and actionable.
  • If you’ve got a lot of pages on the go, you likely don’t have the resources to pour additional hours of document cross-referencing into your workflow.

That’s why you need AI. It can do things like comparing pages insanely fast.


Why sites can benefit from EEAT comparisons

EEAT makes a huge difference in ranking these days. I’ve seen this first-hand throughout my decade in various SEO roles.

In my most recent in-house SEO role for a loan site, we were hit by 3 big updates. Link spam, helpful content, and a broad core in early 2023.

Improving EEAT on these pages helped recover rankings. We did it by updating and improving content.

Helpful Content Update

Comparing your page to 3 higher-ranking pages from an EEAT perspective sheds new light on how they may be outperforming you.

You might find that a competitor provided more specific examples than your page. Or that they brought insights from certified field experts.


It’s becoming undeniable that Google favors pages that demonstrate a credible amount of EEAT.

There’s a lot more content being produced with AI. Google is only going to give the cream of the crop those coveted first-page rankings.


What’s next for this content-improving app?

As Matt pointed out in the video, you can repeat this process for Google’s Helpful content guidelines, Quality review guidelines, and more.

So my next goal would be to make an app for those documents too.

  1. Create a helpful content version.
  2. Create a quality review guideline version.
  3. Test a text upload version for pages not published.


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Note: Matt Diggity was not affiliated with the creation of this tool. I’m just a fan of his work.


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