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SEO Audits

How To Improve EEAT Of Any Page (With AI)

In SEO, we are told to create “high-quality content”. But what does that even mean? This app helps demystify the extremely vague goalpost of “high quality”. It’s based on EEAT.
kw cannibalization analysis - pivot table

Keyword Cannibalization Analysis App

This app shows you which keywords are being cannibalized on which pages. It highlights opportunities to fix or reduce keyword cannibalization, an ongoing SEO challenge. It integrates directly with Google
single page seo auditor

One-Page SEO Audit Tool

I built a web app that gives you a quick technical audit for a single web page. Simply enter your URL, hit enter, and watch the magic. A mix of

Bulk Title Tags & Meta Descriptions With GPT For Sheets

Time to update title tags and meta descriptions! Except this time, instead of spending countless hours filling out a spreadsheet, ChatGPT will do it for us! Let’s dive in.  
SEO Score Board

Prioritize SEO Tasks With an SEO Score

If you’re working on your SEO strategy, perhaps in the middle of an SEO audit, you’re going to need to prioritize everything based on your goals and strategy. SEO audits