I built a web app that gives you a quick technical audit for a single web page.

Simply enter your URL, hit enter, and watch the magic.

A mix of Python and GPT scripts will assess key technical areas and provide insights.


➡️ Try my single-page SEO audit tool


single page audit preview


What does the single-page auditor check for?

  • Title Tag and Meta Description: Whether they are missing, too long, or too short.
  • Internal links: Whether you are linking to any broken URLs on your page.
  • H1 usage: checks for single H1 usage and recommends an improvement.
  • Internal links: Check if any links on the page are pointing to broken URLs.
  • Link anchor text: Reviews link text and provides recommendations if any can be improved.
  • Image issues: Checks image alt text, image title name, and broken images. Provides recommendations to improve alt text and file names.
  • Accessibility: Checks if the URL is accessible. Looks for redirect loops and issues that make the page unservable.
  • Page speed: Checks key core web vital metrics like First Contentful Paint with Google’s Lighthouse API.
  • Crawlability: Checks for a range of issues that result in the page not being crawlable, like broken JavaScript and CSS files. Provides recommendations on minimizing files.


How to use the single-page auditor

  1. Enter URL
  2. Press Enter
  3. Wait a minute
  4. Get insights!

It can take a few minutes for larger pages. Give it some time to analyze data and provide insights!


Got feedback for the single-page auditor?

If you try it out and have some feedback or experience issues, send them my way.

It may not work for your site, I’m still working out the bugs!


Use cases for the single-page auditor

A quick one-page audit tool is like a Swiss army knife for an SEO. There are lots of use cases!

  1. Analyze high-value pages on the fly
  2. Provide quick optimization ideas for any web page
  3. Find re-occurring issues by testing out other pages on the same domain
  4. Give prospects or clients quick tips to show how cool and proactive you are.
  5. Analyze your page and a competitor’s page to see how they stack up
  6. Use it to quickly educate people on important technical SEO aspects.
  7. Test out a new page before promoting it on the web.


Audit your page today!

Try out my single-page auditor and let me know what you think!

It’s a handy tool that works on most web pages.


Become an AI-powered SEO

Want to learn how to leverage AI and Python to take your SEO skills to the next level?

Join the AI SEO Academy:  A growing group for learning AI SEO.


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